Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bunny Party!

There will be more new stuff in the next post. Bunny Party is the best party there is in Jamaa! The music is lovely, you simply MUST MUST MUST go there. Here is some of the stuff:

A little bunny rock! =D
A Peck statue! They finally have shamans! And my favorite one! I wish there were more shaman-involved things though...
Bunny pets! =D 
A slide! Awesome!
A large super-sized drum!
The bunnies-only store so far! Every day they'll add something, until it has 6 items, just like the other parties.
The song is called, "Hoppin' Around", and its awesome. The best song on AJ so far.

Well, this sums up my favorite party, and I'm proud of AJ. They surely worked hard on this, and it makes up for anything they have ever done wrong in my view. They just need to add the shamans in, and AJ will be completely perfect in every way. This music in the bunny party is so peaceful it put me in a good mood which is awfully hard to do. <3 And for me school just ended =D no more school for a while!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Inner Tube and More

There's been some stuff I've missed. New inner tube:
It's in the Cruise Ship Party.

Sun necklace:
To go with the moon necklace. Great, it's members only.
Space Ship Command:
Brought back!

There's a new code: NGKIDSROX It gives you 1000 gems! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Phantoms, phantoms, phantoms! Yesterday, AJ released Imprisoned Phantoms. I'm starting a collection of em :3 They come in two shapes: circle and square. There are a few colors of their lightning powers, too. Here is what they look like:

Awesome, right? And, best of all, they are NON MEMBER! Although non members can't accept their gifts, they should be very easy to come by. Just search random people's list until you find one, and ask them what they want for it! Or offer on it :3 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Warriors RPG!

A warriors RPG game is here- CLICK! :3 You control Firepaw on his journey to becoming a warrior! It's still being worked on, so be sure to check it out once its updated!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Spoooky Party and MORE!

The spooky party is here ^^
For a pet bat:
The other new stuff:
I did this for you:
Mine didn't even get in the top ten, though I guess I could say it was better than a few of them... Here it is: