The Jamaasian Movement!

The movement was started on Animal Jam Spirit, however, I want it to be known to every Jammer there is! I am proudly a part of it, and will do anything for it! Quote, from AJS:
Sadly the portion of the Animal Jam website holding its legends was removed during 2011. No additional stories were added to Jamaa. This is one of the reasons we must carry out the Jamaasian Movement and return jamaasian culture to the game. It used to mean something much more than rares. It was a little community, and we have the power to bring it back.

For Mira! For Zios! For Jamaa!

As you can see it's very important. I miss the shamans so much I sometimes even cry. Most of all I miss Peck, which is why the Bunny Party is so special. They finally have something about the Shamans. Become a part of it at AJS. Help bring the shamans back! Please!

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